#IEAEA, #IEAEI, #ISEEJ, #DHFDG, #EVTDG Digital Hybrid Fitness Development Group (DHFDG)

Digital Hybrid Fitness Development Group (DHFDG) Dear visitor,
Thank you for your visit on our website and we hope you will have a look again at our premiere.

Due to the impact of the global situation, our start will be postponed!

If you would like to belong to the exclusive circle of invited guests of our pre-premiere and receive further insider information and news in advance, then simply subscribe to our Sociomedical channels.

If you would like to join us or are interested in a cooperation, please do not hesitate to contact us directly by e-mail: contact@ieaea.com

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Association (IEAEA)

The International eFitness and Exergaming Association (IEAEA) is the join central association of all in the fields of eFitness and exergaming. The IEAEA is designed for development and support, as well as for the organization and coordination. The IEAEA and its regional and national associations represent common interests for the protection and benefit of all.

The IEAEA is the supreme authority for world championships and international events in eFitness and Exergaming and awards licenses for regional and national championships, events and leagues.

Institute (IEAEI)

The International eFitness and Exergaming Institute (IEAEI) is the central research, development and education institution for the fields of eFitness and Exergaming. On behalf of the International eFitness and Exergaming Association (IEAEA), the IEAEI develops standards and rules on a scientific basis and is responsible for certification. The IEAEI and its regional and national offices issue training licenses.


As a link to industry, the IEAEI leads the Digital Hybrid Fitness Development Group (DHFDG) and the Exergaming Virtuality Technology Development Group (EVTDG).

Journal (ISEEJ)

The International Scientific eFitness & Exergaming Journal (ISEEJ) is an open access, peer-reviewed, international journal, that publishes research manuscripts in the field of eFitness and Exergaming.

The ISEEJ is the official journal of the International eFitness and Exergaming Association (IEAEA).
